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Line of Flight - by Céline Condorelli












[...] The project engages with movements that affect time and space, which is why the series is ordered into movements, as in a piece of music; things move, but also people, goods, capital. [...] (1)


[...] Often the narratives that sit alongside images that are being circulated, the subtexts that make them readable, are distorted or even factually wrong. I wouldn’t designate my practice as being journalistic in any way, but I place a lot of importance in uncovering and considering existing conditions, on social, spatial, political and historical levels, and I subscribe to John Latham’s maxim ‘context is half the work’. Our understanding of context includes distortions and fictional premise seriously. [...] (2)


[...] In some way, as an artist, I am implicated in forging documents, devising utopias, and constructing imaginary schemes about the future, and in this way I actively participate in the production of the real. In my work, countless real stories and real situations are used that are far more unbelievable version of real events, than a narrative, a construct, enabling a different understanding of history and the re-imagination of possible futures. [...] (3)



Extracts from:



Terrain Vague, Persistent Images has been published on the occasion of two exhibitions: ACAF, Alexandria, 8 Dec–12 Jan 2012, and Olso Kunstforening, Norway, 15 Mar –15 Apr 2012 with the support of Pro Helvetia, Alexandria Contemporary Art Forum (ACAF) & Oslo Kunstforening. Conceived by Sophie Demay & Lola Halifa-Legrand in collaboration with Céline Condorelli & Uriel Orlow, and designed by Sophie Demay & Lola Halifa-Legrand. Typeset in Century Gothic, Fournier & Nassim, arabic typesetting & print coordination by Engy Aly. Translated by Nabil Shawkat. Printed by Screen Technology, Dokki, Egypt, in Nov 2011.




( 1 )

"Conversations. Marianne Hultman, Céline Condorelli & Uriel Orlow". Condorelli, C. and Orlow, U., (2012). Terrain Vague, Persistent Images, 17/109 



( 2 )

"Conversations. Marianne Hultman, Céline Condorelli & Uriel Orlow". Condorelli, C. and Orlow, U., (2012). Terrain Vague, Persistent Images, 11/103-12/104



( 3 )

"Conversations. Marianne Hultman, Céline Condorelli & Uriel Orlow". Condorelli, C. and Orlow, U., (2012). Terrain Vague, Persistent Images, 11/103-12/104




Images Credits


Céline Condorelli, Second Movement: Line of Flight (Recover), 2011. Archival images, Gaël Pollin, (CEA). Courtesy of Céline Condorelli.





Céline Condorelli

Céline Condorelli (CH, IT, UK) is a London-based artist who makes supporting structures; she is currently Professor at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) Milan, and one of the founding directors of Eastside Projects, Birmingham, UK; she is the author and editor of Support Structures published by Sternberg Press (2009).
Recent exhibitions include bau bau, HangarBicocca, Milan, IT (2015), Céline Condorelli, Chisenhale Gallery, UK, Positions, Van Abbemuseum, NL, including the publication The Company She Keeps, with Bookworks; and baubau, Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig, DE, and curating Puppet Show, Gävle Konstcentrum, SE, and Grundy Art Gallery, UK (all 2014). Previous shows include Additionals, Project Art Centre, Dublin, Ireland, Things That Go Without Sayng, Grazer Kunstverein, Austria, The Parliament, ‘Archive of Disobedience’, Castello di Rivoli, Italy (2013), Surrounded by the Uninhabitable, SALT Istanbul (2012) “There is nothing left” Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum, Egypt and Oslo Kunstforening (2011-12), Manifesta 8, Murcia (2010), Revision ‘part 1 and 2’, Artists Space, New York, (2009), and Cell Projects, London, 2010).






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